Thursday, August 26, 2010

Now That Lindsay Lohan Is Free...For Now

Lindsay Lohan and lawyer, Shawn Chapman Holley

Now that fallen Hollywood actress, Lindsay Lohan, is free for now, with a money hungry stage mother pushing her at every turn, how does the public truly feel her story is going to end. Shouldn't Lindsay's mother, Dina Lohan, be forced via court order, to take parenting classes, as she has shown such poor judgment in the past, regarding her children.

Dina Lohan has taken underage minors to night clubs, where drugs and alcohol were present. She enabled her eldest daughter's raging drug and alcohol addiction. She allowed her underage daughter Alli to view porn, during their reality series "Living Lohan."

Dina Lohan

She spent large sums of her daughters' earnings on luxury items for herself, rather than placing the money in financially safe, certificates of deposit. Condoned and encouraged wild and irresponsible behavior that has all but destroyed her eldest child, Lindsay.

In light of these facts and Dina Lohan's custody of two underage children, shouldn't the court and or child services, intervene in that household, before she wrecks another life. It is the equivalent of watching an accident happen in slow motion.


Psychiatrists: Lindsay Lohan Is Crazy