Monday, March 1, 2010

Obama Still Smoking Cigarettes

U.S. President Barack Obama

This is a follow up to the February 23. 2010 article Dick Cheney And Bob Dole Hospitalized, where it was stated regarding U.S. President Barack Obama, "...President Obama, whose heart is years younger (though he could quit the smoking, as it promotes cancer via first, second and third hand smoke)."

Today, February 28. 2010, it was revealed by the Associated Press, via his first required check up, President Obama is indeed still smoking cigarettes. "Barry" needs to stop smoking.

Obama yet to kick smoking habit, should eat better

WASHINGTON — President Barack Obama hasn't kicked the smoking habit, takes anti-inflammatory medication to relieve chronic tendonitis in his left knee and should eat better to lower his cholesterol, his team of doctors concluded Sunday after the 48-year-old's first medical checkup as commander in chief.

The hoops-happy chief executive, who has endured an exhausting White House run and yearlong battles with congressional Republicans, was otherwise declared in excellent health and fit for duty.

The White House physician, Navy Capt. Jeffrey Kuhlman, said Obama should stick with "smoking cessation efforts," the use of nicotine gum, and come back in August 2011 after he turns 50...