Lindsay Lohan
Years ago, this website and its sister site, the Sound Off Column, were the first to break the news that Lindsay Lohan is a drug addict. She strenuously denied it and stated she was being lied about, but this week she finally admitted she is the liar, via stating she has been abusing cocaine and alcohol.
She claims she is now drug free, which this site does not believe. She needs to not use drug abuse as a publicity tool and take sobriety seriously, lest her addiction claims her life at an early age.
Side Bar: she really flatters herself to think I'd have the time or inclination to make up stories on her crazy self. Sorry to break it to you, but you are a footnote on this site. Politics and the state of this world, takes precedence over your avoidable nasal habits, hence this story running last.
Lindsay Lohan admits cocaine use
February 22, 12:48 PM - Lindsay Lohan is coming clean about her substance abuse issues. Lohan told The Sun that she went to rehab three times and has "learned from her mistakes."
Lohan says the first time she went to rehab, it was her own choice and was because she was using prescription drug Ambien. Lohan went to rehab again after she hit a tree with her car and was charged with drunk driving and cocaine possession. The third time Lohan entered rehab, she was again driving under the influence and was found with cocaine on her person.
Lohan says about cocaine "I was only aware of cocaine because of my dad. I was terrified of it. But I tried it because I was stubborn, stupid, and wanted to see what it was like." She says that she's now allowed to drink again but knows her limits.