FBI Director Robert S. Mueller
Today, the Los Angeles Times outed President Obama's Department of Justice and its component, the F.B.I. on "reserving the right" to continue violating the privacy of Americans:
Congress should keep pressure on FBI
February 2, 2010 ...Finally, the report suggests that the Justice Department may be reserving the right of the FBI to inspect telephone records "without legal process or a qualifying emergency." Several senators have rightly asked Holder to share a Jan. 8 memo that apparently outlines such an exception. Holder should comply. Congress needs to make sure for itself that the FBI is not being encouraged to return to its old ways.
Obama's Attorney General Eric Holder
To add to the invasive madness going on at the F.B.I. and D.O.J., these U.S. government agencies have crazily embraced Mind Reading Technology, in attempts at reading the public's mind. If you don't believe me, read the credible article citations below, which come from various outlets, such as Harvard University and Raw Story, among others. The FBI/DOJ are also publicly listed as clients of companies that produce the Mind Reading Technology software.
The Judiciary Report has written about Mind Reading Technology before and it is mentioned in the lawsuit Aisha v. The FBI. It was originally designed to help autistic children, who cannot express themselves well verbally and thus, the machine scans the mind to tell doctors and therapists, what the patient is thinking and feeling.
The technology is comprised of software loaded onto a computer, that is fed video footage of a subject whose mind one wishes to read. The video footage fed into the computer, which scans its database for thought matches, can be obtained voluntarily from the subject, as in a lab or hospital setting.
However, the technology has its flaws. It can guess basic things, but often confuses words and images. For example, the subject is thinking of "apples" and the Mind Reading Technology renders the false positive "apricots." The words have similar letters, but as you can see, are not the same.
The technology is now being abused by the U.S. government agencies the F.B.I. and D.O.J. and certain other entities such as Kabbalah, who are unscrupulously and unlawfully obtaining footage of subjects they target, via videotaping said subjects without their consent, via hidden cameras in homes and offices.
The thought behind it is, they can catch people unaware, in unguarded moments, when they are at home relaxing, thinking their deepest thoughts or at work thinking their most productive, useful thoughts.
The U.S. government now seeks to use this faulty technology at airports to gauge intent and read thoughts, in seeking to weed out terrorists before they go through security, but a lot of innocent people will be pulled aside, miss their flights and in some cases, may be shot and killed, because the Mind Reading Technology assumed out of context, they were thinking something they were not.
For example, say you have a young man in line waiting to go through security and board a plane, who is thinking about playing his portable video game during the flight, that involves shooting and bombs, as some video games do. Guess what, he's going to get pulled aside, missed his flight and be interrogated in vain.
Say a man is going through security, thinking about a story he saw on the news, about terrorists blowing up a plane somewhere and is fearful about boarding his plane remembering the terrible story on the broadcast. Guess what, he's going to get pulled aside, missed his flight and be interrogated in vain.
fMRI Mind Reading Technology scan of the brain
Furthermore, there is a very dangerous problem that could erupt if they use the industrial version of the Mind Reading Software, which includes a scanner that acts as a MRI scan of the brain - cancer rates will go up among people who travel often.
It is positively sick that using invasive Mind Reading Technology has become an option in society. It is a vile violation of privacy that infringes the Constitution.
U.S. President Barack Obama and FBI Director Robert S. Mueller
Robert S. Mueller at the FBI, has quietly been using this technology on innocent people outside airport settings, who have committed no crime and were not informed of what he has been doing, via agents he commanded to carry out these invasive acts.
He has been doing so to gain an upper hand and so-called advantage in court cases and for political purposes, in complete violation of national privacy rights.
Imagine the government decides to employ this technology on you to explore your inner most thoughts, without your knowledge or consent? You'd be upset and offended. Well, the F.B.I. and D.O.J. have been doing so, without publicly disclosing it. Much like they were and still are, wiretapping people without telling them.
You are not God. People's private thoughts are none of your business. It is down right perverted. The government is becoming a bastion of paranoia and perversion, in spying on the masses, under the auspices of national security.
I wish I could say it is effective and the ends justify the means, but it does not, because as you can see, via acts of terrorism, Nidal Malik Hasan killed innocent people at Fort Hood and
I ask, what happens when Robert S. Mueller and others at the F.B.I. and D.O.J. decide to abuse this technology even further, by using it on politicians without their knowledge or consent, then sending the information over to their rivals in Congress...
What happens when Robert S. Mueller and others at the F.B.I. and D.O.J. start using it on foreign politicians visiting America...
What happens when Robert S. Mueller and others at the F.B.I. and D.O.J. start using it on judges, in trying to guess the way a ruling in court will lean...
What happens when Robert S. Mueller and others at the F.B.I. and D.O.J. start using it on local police that sometimes work with them...
What happens when Robert S. Mueller and others at the F.B.I. and D.O.J. start secretly using it on their spouses to find out what they truly think of them and whether they are cheating on them.
Guess what, they've already started. The Federal government has opened a sick door to trouble with this invasive madness and something horrible is going to spring from it.
Britney Spears' schizophrenic breakdown saw her shave her head, attack a photographer and separately her own toddler
As mentioned previously, just like the government, Hollywood cults such as Kabbalah have been abusing this Mind Reading Technology. Thus far, they have made Britney Spears and others mentally ill with it, as it was done without their knowledge or permission, leading the subject to think they were going insane, as people were reading their minds, not realizing there was a technological reason behind it all (Mind Reading Technology).
Simon Baron Cohen
During her well publicized mental breakdown, Britney Spears was heard screaming in horror at a mental facility, "People can read my mind." Little did she know what Kabbalah was doing to her, courtesy of Mind Reading Technology they obtained from software developer and doctor, Simon Baron Cohen of Cambridge University, cousin of "Borat" star Sacha Baron Cohen, who starred in a music video for Spears' mentor and fellow Kabbalah member, Madonna.
The older pop singer was behind the move of invasively using said technology on the star, when they thought she and her money were leaving the Kabbalah cult.
Jerry Bruckheimer
Another person who has been affiliated with Kabbalah is another example of Hollywood having too much time and money on their hands and getting into criminal mischief as a result - Jerry Bruckheimer.
"Enemy of The State"
Remember the 1998 film he produced, starring Will Smith, called "Enemy of The State" which revealed how people can be wiretapped and hidden cameras placed in their home, in sick violations of the Constitution.
Anthony Pellicano
Well, there is a reason for that. Bruckheimer was a client of Kabbalah private eye, Anthony Pellicano, who is now incarcerated on multiple charges, for illegally wiretapping innocent people at stars' request, among other things. Bruckheimer was simply putting on film, what Pellicano, a former F.B.I. expert court witness, was doing to people in real life, on behalf of Hollywood stars.
Mind-reading systems could change air security
January 8, 2010 - A would-be terrorist tries to board a plane, bent on mass murder. As he walks through a security checkpoint, fidgeting and glancing around, a network of high-tech machines analyzes his body language and reads his mind...
TSA funding airport mind-reading scanners
Friday, January 8th, 2010 -- 12:51 pm - Amid the media furor over the attempted Christmas Day attacks and a renewed political focus on enhancing airport security, attention is turning to a technological advancement that will have civil rights activists -- or, for that matter, anyone with a secret --seriously worried: Mind-reading machines.
"As far-fetched as that sounds, systems that aim to get inside an evildoer's head are among the proposals floated by security experts thinking beyond the X-ray machines and metal detectors used on millions of passengers and bags each year," AP's Michael Tarm reports...
TSA funding airport mind-reading scanners
Posted by sakerfa on January 8, 2010 - (RawStory) – Amid the media furor over the attempted Christmas Day attacks and a renewed political focus on enhancing airport security, attention is turning to a technological advancement that will have civil rights activists — or, for that matter, anyone with a secret –seriously worried: Mind-reading machines.
“As far-fetched as that sounds, systems that aim to get inside an evildoer’s head are among the proposals floated by security experts thinking beyond the X-ray machines and metal detectors used on millions of passengers and bags each year,” AP’s Michael Tarm reports...
The TSA Is Funding Airport Mind-Reading Scanners
January 9, 2010 | The risks to personal privacy inherent in mind-reading technologies should concern the public about abuse of their rights.
Amid the media furor over the attempted Christmas Day attacks and a renewed political focus on enhancing airport security, attention is turning to a technological advancement that will have civil rights activists -- or, for that matter, anyone with a secret --seriously worried: Mind-reading machines.
"As far-fetched as that sounds, systems that aim to get inside an evildoer's head are among the proposals floated by security experts thinking beyond the X-ray machines and metal detectors used on millions of passengers and bags each year," AP's Michael Tarm reports...
ACLU objects as two companies offer 'mind reading' technology to government
Published: Wednesday June 28, 2006 - The American Civil Liberties Union today announced that it has filed a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests with the primary American security agencies for information relating to the use of "cutting-edge brain-scanning technologies" on suspected terrorists, RAW STORY has learned.
Two private companies have announced that they will begin to offer "lie detection" services using Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (fMRI), as early as this summer. fMRI can produce live, real-time images of people's brains as they answer questions, view images, listen to sounds, and respond to other stimuli.
These companies are marketing their services to federal government agencies, including the Department of Defense, Department of Justice, the National Security Agency and the CIA, and to state and local police departments.
"There are certain things that have such powerful implications for our society -- and for humanity at large -- that we have a right to know how they are being used so that we can grapple with them as a democratic society," said Barry Steinhardt, Director of the ACLU's Technology and Liberty Project...
MIT group develops 'mind-reading' device
CAMBRIDGE, Mass.--Three researchers at the MIT Media Lab have developed a device that "reads minds" and alerts wearers to the emotional state of the person they're conversing with.
The device, called the Emotional Social Intelligence Prosthetic, or ESP, was presented by Rana El Kaliouby on Tuesday at the 2006 Body Sensor Network Conference at the MIT Media Lab. The research team hopes the device will help people with autism learn to better read the social cues of others.
Congress should keep pressure on FBI
February 2, 2010 Skirting legal procedures to obtain phone records is the latest abuse by the agency. Some agents clearly regarded legal constraints on their actions as nuisances to be ignored.
According to Inspector General Glenn A. Fine, the relationship between the FBI and the telephone companies was so intimate that company representatives were stationed in FBI communications centers. Thus firms with access to sensitive personal information were essentially partners with a powerful law enforcement agency in violation of Americans' privacy rights...
Finally, the report suggests that the Justice Department may be reserving the right of the FBI to inspect telephone records "without legal process or a qualifying emergency." Several senators have rightly asked Holder to share a Jan. 8 memo that apparently outlines such an exception. Holder should comply. Congress needs to make sure for itself that the FBI is not being encouraged to return to its old ways.