Friday, February 12, 2010

Bill Clinton Hospitalized With Chest Pains

"Video: Bill Clinton undergoes heart procedure"

Former U.S. President, Bill "Bubba" Clinton, was rushed to the hospital in New York, after complaining of chest pains. Doctors at New York Presbyterian Hospital in Manhattan ascertained Bubba had a blockage and inserted two stents in his coronary arteries, to aid in blood flow.

Former U.S. President Bill Clinton

It is also being reported, a catheter was placed in Clinton's leg, as he underwent an angiogram. In 2004, Clinton underwent quadruple bypass surgery to clear blocked arteries.

Side Bar: tell the truth, when you read headlines that Bubba had a heart attack, you thought to yourself, what was her name? (kidding).

Bill Clinton Hospitalized for Routine Stent Surgery; Stress May Have Triggered Chest Pain

Former President, Known for '20-Hour Days for 20 Years,' Has Heart Surgery After Stressful Haiti Trip

Feb. 11, 2010 - Cardiac specialists say that former President Bill Clinton, who had stent surgery this afternoon at New York-Presbyterian Hospital after complaining about heart pains, will likely have a full recovery.

The former president is having two stents placed in a coronary artery.

Clinton, who is 63, had quadruple bypass surgery at the same hospital in 2004 after angiography revealed significant blockages in four coronary arteries.

Six months later, Clinton had surgery to remove fluid and scar tissue from his left chest cavity...