Monday, February 1, 2010

The 2010 Grammys Stunk

Lady Gaga (that is so wrong!)

The 2010 Grammy telecast was boring. The promise of a Michael Jackson tribute, anchored by his kids accepting an award on his behalf, boosted ratings, but the show had very few good moments out side of that. Even the tribute to Jackson wasn't the best, due to song selection. "Man In The Mirror" would have been the better choice.

Lady Gaga

Kings of Leon had the top pop song of the year with "Use Somebody" but barely walked away with much. However, with the Grammys, it's who you know, not what you do. It is not based on merit. Any show that can award artists that steal other musicians music, such as Beyonce, has been discredited.


Dimwitted Beyonce, who can barely speak English, accepted awards for preexisting copyrighted songs she criminally stole in violation of the Copyright Act and Berne Treaty, then fraudulently claimed she wrote, taking payment and credit for them. Nice work tainting the awards and the Guinness World Book of Records, among others.

Mary J. Blige had another outburst and told off her band at a Grammy party, stunning the audience

Fergie wearing an outfit that has nothing to do with music

Britney Spears still looking crazy and confused

Rihanna still looking ridiculous