Friday, January 8, 2010

Spoiled Rich Kids Gone Awry

The death of Casey Johnson has brought to the forefront, the battle some wealthy parents face in raising their kids. Not to cast aspersions on her parents, who did try to cut her off financially to prevent her from buying drugs, but rich people expose their children to a luxurious lifestyle by default, as it is their own and sometimes it creates trouble.

Kids often fare better when they are not given everything on a silver platter and are taught the value of a dollar, through hard work. Constantly giving one's children the finest things in life whilst growing up, can adversely affect them, as they expect everything in life will be this way and come easy to them, without putting in any real, substantial effort. So many rich kids have gone wrong in this way.

Moving away from the Hollywood lifestyle, rather than exposing one's children to it is wise, as being immersed in it, will hamper their moral, social and emotional development.

Nicky Hilton, Casey Johnson and Paris Hilton

Johnson seemed to fly off the rails when she moved out to Los Angeles and began hanging out with the Hollywood set. Spending her time with folks such as Paris Hilton, her sister Nicky, Nicole Richie and Lindsay Lohan was detrimental, as their lives are consumed by sex, drugs, debauchery and Hollywood cult Kabbalah.

Spoiling a child is not the best option. Giving a child everything they want can be harmful. The Hiltons sisters are living proof of that.

It has to be every parent's nightmare. Drugs, debauchery, deviant sex, terrible relationships, aimlessness, no real direction or purpose, choosing superficiality over substance.


Casey Johnson Dead At Age 30

Kabbalah DJ Found Dead

Actress Brittany Murphy Dead At 32

Multiple Meds Found In Brittany Murphy Home