Friday, January 8, 2010

Obama Takes Blame For FBI And CIA Failures

"Video: Obama Ordering Changes After Anti-terror Foul-up"

In an internationally televised speech today, U.S. President Barack Obama, accepted the blame for the FBI and CIA's intelligence failures, which led to a radicalized 23-year-old Muslim that received Al Qaeda training, attempting to blow up an airliner landing in Detroit, Michigan in America on Christmas Day.

U.S. President Barack Obama

Obama has vowed changes and as much as the Judiciary Report would like to believe these changes will properly take effect, one knows better. There are "powers that be" that have been embedded in Congress, the FBI, CIA and NSA for years, who constantly resist certain types of change. It will be a battle getting teach item implemented.

President Obama: Security failure 'my responsibility'

1/7/10 4:59 PM EST - President Barack Obama on Thursday accepted responsibility for intelligence shortcomings that led to a failed Christmas Day bombing plot on a Detroit-bound airliner, saying, “Ultimately, the buck stops with me.

“As president, I have a solemn responsibility to protect our nation and our people, and when the system fails, it is my responsibility,” Obama said.

Obama said an intelligence review found that the U.S. government had the information needed to thwart the plot but failed to do so because of a series of compounding shortcomings, including that intelligence analysts didn’t focus heavily enough on information warning that al-Qaida in Yemen wanted to strike the United States.

“The U.S. government had the information scattered through the system to potentially uncover this plot and disrupt the attack. Rather than a failure to collect and share this intelligence, this was a failure to connect and understand the intelligence we already had,” Obama said at the White House...