Rock Hudson (left) gay boyfriend (right)
The gay boyfriend of the late actor, Rock Hudson, who died from AIDS, has also passed away, but allegedly from pulmonary issues, brought on by smoking.
Though, Rock Hudson was before my time, I've heard stories about him. He was marketed as a heterosexual sex symbol that many women liked. Little did they know, Hudson was playing for Team Penis in every way (shakes head).
It's ironic, as that still goes on in Hollywood today. A number of your favorite male actors are homosexuals pretending to be straight, in order to attain a certain level of visibility.
Rock Hudson's Lover Marc Christian Has Died
Posted on Dec 04, 2009 @ 05:26PM - Although he had been Rock Hudson's lover for several years, Marc Christian only learned the screen idol had contacted AIDS the same way the rest of he world did -- he saw it on the news. His own death was kept just as secret. Marc, who later reverted to using his full name, Marc Christian MacGinnis, died June 2, his sister has confirmed to the Los Angeles Times...