Monday, December 7, 2009

New York Post: The FBI Is Incompetent

FBI Director Robert S. Mueller

The New York Post ripped the FBI to shreds, for their national security failings, in a scathing editorial published today. The Post cited the current state of disarray the FBI exists under and how it has proven lethal to the American people.

The Judiciary Report has stated repeatedly the FBI needs to be closed with Congress starting a new agency. The New York Post delivered their opinion as well, stating the FBI should not be in charge of terrorism matters, citing numerous incidents of preventable failures that left innocent people dead. The Post wants a new anti-terrorism agency as well, replacing the FBI.

With FBI HQ, it's about pride and ego. They'd rather innocent people die in terrorist and criminal acts than admit they are in over their heads.

These terrorists are driven, maddened and bloodthirsty. The FBI in its current state is no match for that extremism, as they have shown, via numerous failures that cost civilians their lives. They are also failing on the national front via numerous child abduction cases, ponzi schemes allowed to run to extremes and white collar crimes currently gripping the nation.

Story Source: The FBI bungles on terror again