Friday, December 25, 2009

Fort Hood Shooter Asked About Killing Americans

Nidal Malik Hasan

File this one under more clues the FBI inexplicably did not perceive as a threat. It has been revealed in the press, Fort Hood shooter, Nidal Malik Hasan, inquired in an email about "killing Americans" prior to the shooting at the aforementioned base, which claimed 13 lives and wounded 38.

Yet the FBI, run by Barney Fife Robert S. Mueller, had the emails in their possession since December 2008, but amazingly did not interpret all these warning signs as a threat.


Did The FBI Fail Again Part 2

Did The FBI Fail Again

FBI Blew Many Chances To Stop 9/11 Attacks

FBI Blamed For London Bombings

FBI Failed To Act On Tip About Abortionist Killer

FBI Denounced By Parents Of Missing Kids

FBI Heads Up Led To Innocent Man’s Murder

FBI Slammed By Scientists That Seek To Sue

FBI's WMD Department Rebuked By IG

Report: Hasan asked about killing troops in ’08

Cleric says alleged Fort Hood shooter inquired whether it would be ‘lawful’

A radical Muslim cleric claims Army psychiatrist Maj. Nidal Hasan asked him about killing American soldiers nearly a year before Hasan allegedly shot to death 13 fellow soldiers at Fort Hood.

In an interview Wednesday with the Arabic-language news network Al-Jazeera, Anwar al-Awlaki, considered a key recruiter for al-Qaida, said Hasan asked him in a December 2008 e-mail "whether killing American soldiers and officers is lawful or not" under Islamic law.

In the interview, Al-Awlaki then appears to taunt U.S. intelligence and security, saying, "I wonder where were the American security forces that one day claimed they can read the numbers of any license plate, anywhere in the world, from space."...