Thursday, December 10, 2009

Congress Rescinds Pending Tiger Woods Honor

U.S. President Obama and Tiger Woods earlier in the year

The U.S. Congress has canceled a pending Congressional Gold Medal that was to be bestowed upon beleaguered golfer, Tiger Woods, for his contributions to sports and humanity. The award has been scrapped, due to the current adultery scandal the golfer is embroiled in, where 13 women have come forward alleging they had affairs with him.

Elin and Tiger Woods

That's odd, I remember distinctly, a few months ago, House Speaker, Nancy Pelosi was kissing Brad Pitt's adulterous, philandering, copyright infringing butt in Congress, whilst parading around the amoral gigolo. Angelina Jolie was hardly the only woman the overrated, untalented, bisexual pretty boy had an affair with - yet he was brought into Congress.

Double standard, there. Just like when Pelosi cancelled the Congressional award proposed in honor of Michael Jackson this past summer.

Side Bar: based on site stats, House Speaker Pelosi and a number of her fellow congress people have been to this website, yet amazingly turn a blind, unconstitutional eye to this life threatening case they are aware of. Hmm I wonder if me being black has anything to do with that (sarcasm).

But don't worry, between the articles, sites, blogs, feeds and press releases, only over 20,000,000 worldwide know about the case and the FBI's deliberate failures in it, to facilitate Hollywood's stealing and human rights buses.

Lawmaker drops push to give Tiger Woods Congressional Gold Medal

By Christina Wilkie - 12/09/09 11:59 AM ET - Rep. Joe Baca (D-Calif.) is abandoning his effort to honor golf star Tiger Woods with the Congressional Gold Medal.

In a statement, Baca said, “In light of the recent developments surrounding Tiger Woods and his family, I will not pursue legislation awarding him the Congressional Gold Medal this session.” Baca’s decision was first reported by The Hill.

Baca, an avid golfer, introduced a measure in March seeking to give Woods the highest civilian award bestowed by Congress.

The bill states, “To provide for the award of a gold medal on behalf of the Congress to Tiger Woods, in recognition of his service to the Nation in promoting excellence and good sportsmanship, and in breaking barriers with grace and dignity by showing that golf is a sport for all people.” ...

13th Woman Linked to Golfer Tiger Woods

Wednesday – December 09, 2009 – 3:08pm - A second porn star has been added to the list of women romantically linked to golfer Tiger Woods. Sports blog is reporting that the embattled golfer, 33, had a lengthy affair with porn star Joslyn James (real name: Veronica Siwik-Daniels) during visits to Las Vegas.