Thursday, December 24, 2009

American Airlines Plane Crashes In Jamaica With No Fatalities

Christmas is a season where Jamaicans typically return to the island for a number of fun festivities. An American Airlines plane originating in Washington and stopping over in Miami, Florida, en route to Kingston Jamaica, the nation's capital, crashed while attempting to land on the runway at Norman Manley International Airport.

According to the Jamaican Security Minister, Daryl Vaz, the plane was mostly comprised of Jamaicans on their way home for the holidays.

Preliminary reports suggest, something was wrong with the plane, as it landed at an accelerated speed, crashed through a fence, began to break apart, one of the engines fell off, the fuselage split into three pieces, the aircraft skidded across a public road and stopped 10 feet from the Caribbean sea, due to a small sand hill bordering the ocean. Now that's a crash landing. That pilot totally drives like one of my friends (kidding).

40 people sustained minor injuries, including the pilot, whose arm was broken in the crash landing. It was miraculous no one died and they have to thank the Lord for that. I never take flying for granted and pray before I go to the airport.

Passengers from the crashed plane