Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Actress Brittany Murphy Dead At 32

Kabbalah cult actress, Brittany Murphy, has died from a heart attack at age 32. She died in a Hollywood Hills home, she purchased from singer and fellow Kabbalah member, Britney Spears.

This marks the third high profile Kabbalah member death this year. Michael Jackson and DJ AM are also members of Kabbalah that died unexpectedly this year, in tragic circumstances, all related to prescription medication abuse. Murphy starred in several films such as Clueless, 8 Mile and Sin City.

Brittany Murphy and fellow Kabbalah member Ashton Kutcher

Recently, Murphy, who joined Kabbalah a few short years ago, started behaving like fellow cult member, Lindsay Lohan, messing up on movie sets and losing film work as a result. Her career went downhill when she joined Kabbalah.

This year, Murphy was fired from the film "The Caller" and badly botched her lines during the filming of "Something Wicked" to the point the movie had to be rewritten. Prior to Kabbalah, Murphy had no such problems, starring in a string of successful films.

Police outside Brittany Murphy's home she bought from fellow Kabbalah member Britney Spears, who has also been abusing prescription medications

A few weeks ago, suffering from Kabbalah induced schizophrenia, Murphy called 911 to report a woman screaming, while being murdered with a chainsaw and excessive noise coming from a loud air conditioning unit, during the time the alleged killing was transpiring.

The police rushed out to her property and found no blood, chainsaw or evidence that would indicate anything of that nature had happened.

Recently, Murphy was spoofed on the NBC program "Saturday Night Live" as an actress that had become unbalanced, unhinged and crazy, falling from grace.

Murphy's dad recently spoke out about her untimely death, stating he loved her and is sad she has passed away. He was in the mafia and was sent to prison on drug charges.

Hollywood's summer of death has spilled over into winter, as other notable stars have died in the last couple months, such as WWE wrestler Umaga and high profile football player, Chris Henry, among others.

Brittany Murphy Dies

Murphy starred in such films as "Clueless," "8 Mile," and "Don't Say a Word." Murphy was reportedly fired from last film, "The Caller," after reports she was problematic on set.


Here’s a list of celebrities who have, or have had, an interest in kabbalah: Madonna, Guy Ritchie, Britney Spears, Gwyneth Paltrow, Demi Moore, Ashton Kutcher, Rob Lowe, Roseanne Barr, Elizabeth Taylor, Courtney Love, Sandra Bernhard, Paris Hilton, Paul Newman, Naomi Campbell, Mick Jagger, Rosie O’Donnell, Brittany Murphy, Winona Ryder, Sharon Osbourne, Jeff Goldblum, Laura Dern, Barbra Streisand, Diane Ladd, Monica Lewinsky, Marla Maples and Dan Aykroyd.

Paris Hilton 'coverts to Kabbalah'

Paris Hilton is the latest celebrity convert to the Kabbalah.The hotel heiress says whenever she is miserable she drives straight to her local Kabbalah centre for help.Paris believes speaking to fellow devotees of the mystic Jewish faith helps her deal with her stressful life in the spotlight.

She told Britain's More magazine: "When I split with Nick [Carter] I coped by going straight to the Kabbalah Centre in Los Angeles, told everyone about the break-up and got a new [red string Kabbalah] bracelet. I go there regularly - it helps me deal with my life." Other celebrity followers of the Kabbalah include Madonna, Demi Moore, Britney Spears, Brittany Murphy and Hugh Jackman...

Actress Brittany Murphy Dies Following Firing from Movie and “Barely There” on Another; Drug Allegations

Sunday, December 20, 2009 - ...The unusual death of the young actress best known for movies, such as Clueless, Sin City, Just Married, 8 Mile and Girl Interrupted has led to speculation about the cause and has rehashed past allegations of drug use, body dysmorphic disorder and eating disorders.

Only two weeks ago, Brittany had been fired from a film The Caller. Also, she recently lost consciousness while filming another movie Something Wicked according to

Brittany allegedly was practically unable to film her scenes in the forthcoming movie Something Wicked and continuously lost her focus in mid-sentence according to an insider speaking exclusively to The Wrap.

“Her husband was her handler, [gic] he shuttled her around. She was barely there. “She’d go in and out of consciousness in the middle of takes,” said the man associated with the film production to The Wrap...

The witness said Brittany going in and out of consciousness forced producers to rewrite her character. He said movie coworkers believed Brittany used prescription drugs.

The studio and director Matthew Parkhill of The Caller have not publicly disclosed why Brittany was fired from the horror movie, and Perez Hilton reported that she was being replaced by Twilight’s Victoria Lefevre.

The Wrap also pointed out that “Saturday Night Live” Weekend Update poked fun at Brittany recently showing an actress portraying her in a skit thinking she was the host of “SNL” while Seth Myer reminded her a couple times that she was not the host and then pointed out to the audience she was fired from The Caller insinuating erratic behavior...