Thursday, August 20, 2009

Tom DeLay On "Dancing With The Stars"

Tom DeLay

Former House Majority Leader, Tom DeLay, who was indicted on campaign fraud and money laundering charges, has been announced as a forthcoming contestant on the television show "Dancing With The Stars."

I kid you not. Considering what's happened to his political career, they could easily rename the show "Dancing With The Feds" in his honor.

Tom DeLay: "Conservatives Can Have Fun Too"

Former House Majority Leader Tom DeLay has found a new message as he embarks on a new campaign: "Conservatives can have fun too."

Yesterday, ABC announced that the former Republican leader known as "The Hammer" will be a contestant on "Dancing with the Stars" this Fall.

Today, DeLay was on ABC's "Good Morning America" to explain why he decided to join the show...