Friday, August 21, 2009

Robert Pattinson Says He's Single

Robert Pattinson

Actor Robert Pattinson spoke about the crazy women he has met in Hollywood, since his rise to fame. I keep telling you guys Hollywood is crazy.

Nothing against the city of Los Angeles, as it is beautiful, but Hollywood the industry is full of lunatics. They are the craziest people on earth (for further proof click here and here). If Pattinson wants some normalcy in the entertainment industry, New York is the place.

In other Pattinson news, the actor is denying having a girlfriend. That’s not what that kiss with Kristen Stewart looks like, but he probably doesn’t want to break a lot of hearts, so he’s denying it.

Robert Pattinson single and baffled

Last updated 05:00 20/08/2009 - Robert Pattinson can't understand why he isn't dating a model. The 23-year-old 'Twilight' actor expected to attract more interest from the opposite sex when he shot to stardom playing vampire Edward Cullen in the first film of the hit vampire franchise.

He said: "I don't have a girlfriend. I don't know why. You always think you're going to get more girls after you've made a movie and it never happens.

"You sit there and you're like, 'I'm a big movie star and I want to go out with some models'. But I don't know why that doesn't happen." ...

"It's especially different in Los Angeles. Most of the women there are actresses and by default that makes them a little bit nuts - not that that's a bad thing."...