FBI Director James Comey, former FBI Director Robert
Mueller and U.S. President Barack Obama
The Judiciary Report has been informed that stars and
executives in Hollywood have been flooding the Obama
Administration's White House with requests, in what is
President Barack Obama's last year in office. However,
based on what the Judiciary Report has been informed,
regarding certain people in Hollywood bragging about
said requests, many of the items being requested of the
president is illegal.
Obama's presidency has largely been focused on
Hollywood, who have been in the White House on a regular
basis, more than accomplished people in politics,
business, medicine and science. To be taking political
and social advice from cocaine-snorters in Hollywood,
rather than sound, accomplished business and medical
professionals is very poor judgment.
There have been
narcotics using, drug carrying Hollywood stars and executives
in the White House on a regular basis, lowering the tone
of the national house. Wealthy individuals and companies
in Hollywood have also been given taxpayer money and
financial breaks by the president that are undeserved
and unearned. It certainly didn't help the economy.