Diddy, standing beside son
Justin: The next one of you that says something about my son I'm
gonna bust you in your mouth with this mic!

Instagram posts
Sean Combs Shuts Down Instagram
Page That Spread Gay Rumors About His Son
Stunned IOB fans awoke Monday to find their favorite gossip IG page was gone. They slowly migrated over to @theindustryonblast’s backup page: @theindustryonblast2. All Instagram gossip bloggers live in fear of being deleted from Instagram.com for spreading malicious gossip. So they maintain multiple backup pages just in case. Instagram.com was purchased by Facebook’s Mark Zuckerberg for $1 billion in 2014...
Another Instagram blogger, Fameolous, feuded with IOB over who broke the Justin Combs tea first. Fameolous argued that he was the first to spill the tea about Justin. But by Monday, Fameoulous had scrubbed his Instagram page of any mention of young master Combs being a homosexual.
BET Awards Has Chris Brown Performing Many Times And Diddy
Accidentally Falling Into A Hole On Stage