Friday, July 24, 2015

Man Opens Fire In A Louisiana Movie Theatre During 'Trainwreck' Movie Killing 2 And Injuring 9 Before Fatally Turning The Gun On Himself (Video)

On the eve of the anniversary of the Aurora, Colorado movie theatre mass murder, perpetrated by James Holmes, another man has opened fire in a Lafayette, Louisiana moving theatre killing two people and injuring 9. He then turned the gun on himself. The incident occurred during a showing of the movie "Trainwreck" starring Amy Schumer and basketball star, Lebron James. 


Police are working to piece together what transpired leading to the deadly shooting. Thus far police have stated the shooter is a 58-year-old man, who has a criminal history. He purchased a ticket to "Trainwreck" and opened fire during the movie. Police are going through the crime scene as well as he killer's home.