Thursday, August 1, 2013

Sharon Osbourne Says Justin Bieber Doesn't Know He's White

Sharon Osbourne
Television personality Sharon Osbourne recently stated of pop singer Justin Bieber, "I really feel bad for him. There's this little kid with a huge dream, he's cute, girls love him and he wants to be a mean boy and he's about as mean as a f****** kitten and he's trying to act out. It's like pissing in a bucket. It's like, 'Oh, we're the bad boys.' F*** off." Oh dear.

Justin Bieber

She further stated, "I think that he's lost, I really do. I think he doesn't realize he's white and not black, that's a huge problem" (LOL). I do believe Bieber knows he's black, I mean white. Seriously, I think it's fine Bieber has embraced black culture. I'd rather him do that than be a George Zimmerman thinking the worst of black people without cause or justification.

Justin Bieber

However, I will state this, a few of Bieber's friends, who are black (rappers Lil Twist and Lil Za) aren't the best influence. There are better black influences out there. Bieber needs good friends of different races - black, white, Hispanic and Asian.  

Side Bar: Maybe Bieber will befriend the man known in the black community as the first black president - Bill Clinton (haha). Just teasing.