Liam Hemsworth and Miley Cyrus (Photo Credit:
Fayes Vision/WENN)
Hemsworth should be concerned. When you cheat on a woman and she is spotted with her ex-boyfriend shortly after, one of two things has occurred and sometimes both. Cyrus is retreating to the safety of a past relationship and or is trying to make Hemsworth jealous.

January Jones
Cyrus may decide to continue with Hemsworth, who could very well be her soulmate, but he needs to do better, as his behavior in cheating already is showing the template for what he will be like in marriage. I don't understand women like Jones, who can look on at two people in love, who really seem like they are meant for each other and damage their relationship like that with a fling. You knew he was engaged. You should have been happy for them and left him alone. Not tried to ruin their relationship.