Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Did Beliebers Cause Selena Gomez’s Movie 'Spring Breakers' To Have Low Ticket Sales

Spring Breakers (Selena Gomez pictured left)

This is a follow up to the March 19, 2013 article Selena Gomez Said She Made Justin Bieber Cry Angering His Fans Which Wasn't A Good Idea Because.... In the aforementioned article one week ago, the Judiciary Report commented it was not a good idea for actress, Selena Gomez, to slam ex-boyfriend, Justin Bieber on the David Letterman Show, as she had a film due out that she was actively promoting, the tawdry ‘Spring Breakers.’

I didn't know K-Fed was in this movie. Oh wait, that's James Franco

Well, one week later the box office numbers are in for the film in wide release and the movie is not doing well, coming in at number six. Offending and alienating Bieber’s fans known as "Beliebers" contributed to this flop, regarding a film whose pre-release items revealed it could not afford to offend large groups of people, who are potential ticket buyers.

Thanks to Selena Gomez's comment Justin Bieber is looking like a "swaggy" angel

The minute Gomez slammed Bieber on Letterman, stating she had made him cry, "Beliebers" made it known on Twitter they’d no longer support her. As I stated last week, it wasn’t a good move. In slamming him as she did, with no real explanation, only stating she made him cry, resulted in him looking like the victim and she the villain. Either tell the whole story or none of it at all.

Is it worth lower sales for a film that is supposed to mark her transition into adulthood (no, but the film is too much anyway). Gomez also basically involved "Beliebers" in the problems she and Bieber experienced, resulting in them choosing sides. Guess whose side they chose. That’s right - his.