The sites have been absent for most of yesterday and today, day due to the fact Kabbalah contacted the hosting company I use, Go Daddy, with a fraudulent claim that resulted in the account being suspended, but I got it reinstated. However, Go Daddy worked at snail's pace in getting it done.
Kabbalah got ticked off at the articles I wrote two nights ago about Rihanna and Chris Brown cheating on her (see article below titled "Karrueche Tran Is Laughing At Rihanna Over What She Is Doing With Chris Brown") as it received a massive amount of hits and referrals.
Of course, on that same day, I also slammed Madonna and her bad plastic surgery, which judging by the hits on that article, not many people cared about, as her career is over (most bloggers get low numbers on Madonna articles, because, well, she's finished).
However, one of my sources told me she got mad because I "made her look bad" in the article. No witch, your plastic surgeon made you look bad and you weren't working with much to begin with. You weren't in a position to afford bad plastic surgery, which is what you got.

Madonna and Rihanna at a Kabbalah event in New York
I noticed two nights ago, Kabbalah's hackers kept breaking into the site and removing items from the aforementioned Rihanna and Madonna articles, which I had to put back online, republishing them twice to fix the items they illegally deleted.
They also tampered with articles critical of Barack Obama, whose Kabbalah and Hollywood are campaigning for, while defacing specific items about Mitt Romney's lead in the polls. Criminally violating someone's right to free speech and free press, via fraud, is no way to support any politician. It reflects very poorly on said politician that his Hollywood supporters refuse to follow the law.
Because I kept fixing and republishing the items on the site they illegally hacked, then deleted or defaced, they got upset and filed a fraudulent claim with Go Daddy regarding the Judiciary Report site, as a means of getting it off line at all costs, using a man and woman in Hollywood connected to and apart of Kabbalah.
The timing of this misconduct is quite ironic, with days to go until the election and the last day of each month being the time my other four sites are updated as well. You would think the site was Wikileaks the way these lunatics keep trying to get it off the internet and waging denial of service attacks and hacks against it in violation of domestic and international law.

Rihanna wearing Kabbalah's red string bracelet posing with Chris Brown
Apparently, the Constitution, free speech and free press are suspended at will in Hollywood and no one has rights but people in tinseltown (sarcasm). In spite of the fact the site(s) was reinstated by Go Daddy, I am going to find a new site host, as I no longer have any confidence in Go Daddy.
For years I have paid them money in advance to host my sites, never late with the payments, always early and not for them to listen to idiots in Hollywood breaking the law and disgracing the government with their actions (after all, the government is sworn to uphold the Constitution and U.S. Code, but time after time we see people in Hollywood breaking the law and nothing comes of it). I'm not going to tolerate that from anyone.
Clearly, Go Daddy doesn't need money from everyday people like me and you, my readers. Therefore I am going to start moving my sites elsewhere (which will be time consuming, but I dislike this lack of professionalism from them in support of criminals in Hollywood).
I don't trust them anymore and that's not a good thing in business. I am very busy and genuinely so with my pharmaceutical patents, copyright and other business and can't afford to waste time with a hosting company in league with Hollywood, who is acting in their best interests, though they are criminals, though I am the paying customer.

Boycott Rihanna
Due to that little stunt, I am asking that you continue to boycott Kabbalah and Madonna, who is getting booed all over the world, with her sales having nosedived. I am also asking that you boycott Rihanna, who is in the cult and has a new album coming out this month called "Unapologetic."
Based on prerelease items, "Unapologetic" is already showing signs of more criminal copyright infringement. The last Judiciary Report boycott of Rihanna was successful in tanking the infringing product. Therefore, I am hoping you my readers will make the "Unapologetic" boycott work as well. Thank you.