Monday, October 8, 2012

President Obama Flew Out To Hollywood To 'Reassure His Campaign Donors'

The Question Is Why


Barack Obama

A report in the Hollywood Reporter indicates President Barack Obama flew out to Los Angeles to reassure his top campaign donors in tinseltown about his campaign, after his terrible performance at the first presidential debate against rival Mitt Romney.

Hollywood is alarmed at Obama's poor performance, blaming it on everything under the sun, other than an indefensible economic record in office. The Judiciary Report did state before the debate that there is no way to defend Obama's dismal record regarding the economy, also expressing the fact it would be what Romney would use to pummel him...and that's exactly what happened.

The mere fact Obama is that concerned with politically inconsequential Hollywood also speaks volumes. His priorities are not in order. Hollywood did not elect Obama nor can they reelect him, as the public does not value their input when in comes to politics. Hollywood knows nothing about politics or economics, as they are posting terrible box office numbers and music sales as well.

I find it alarming that these are the folks Obama looks to for advice. Most people in Hollywood have low IQs, as opposed to silicon valley, which has many highly intelligence people. Yet Hollywood is the one actually trying to instruct a president that went to an ivy league school and he is actually listening to their idiocy. It doesn't inspire confidence and the state of the economy says it all.