Karrueche Isn't Going Anywhere! (Haha)

Rihanna sent a disgraceful message to audiences in reuniting with Brown,
after she hit him and he beat her up in 2009
It is being stated online that the boyfriend of bleater Rihanna, R&B singer and womanbeater, Chris Brown, has hired model/dancer Karrueche Tran, his alleged ex-girlfriend (I say alleged, because it is clear from her early morning walks of shame that they are still having sex) to be his, wait for it... stylist.

Karrueche Tran still posing by Chris Brown's bed
When I read that today, I couldn't help but think of Tameka Foster, who adulterously left her husband and married singer, Usher Raymond, after being his stylist. Chris Brown already thinks he's Usher, ripping off Raymond's "Yeah" with "Yeah X3" and dancing like him as well.

Chris Brown thinking about Rihanna: that's what you get for calling the po-po
on me!
Actually, when I read the announcement about Tran I laughed at first, because the term "back up dancer" or "stylist" has strangely become code word in Hollywood for sex partner, which means Rihanna is a dummy for letting it happen. I'm not laughing at the promiscuity, as that type of sexual conduct is morally wrong, but Rihanna has damaged people's marriages and relationships, sleeping with others she had no business touching, all for career favors, yet the one man she really wants, Brown, is playing her for a fool. It's almost poetic when you think about it.

Chris Brown smoking weed and plotting his next move in how to mess with
Rihanna's head, forehead, fivehead
For all Rihanna's trying, via rudely issuing racial slurs against Tran for being half Vietnamese and referring to her as a "chore" yet there she is, STILL with Brown and now she's getting paid for it. You know everything Rihanna sees Brown in now is going to tick her off, because in the back of her beady little mind, she will know Tran chose it. I used to think Brown wasn't that bright (still do actually) due to the runaway slave expression he usually has on his face, but could he be messing with Rihanna's mind.