Monday, September 3, 2012

What Are President Barack Obama’s True Prospects For Reelection In The November 2012 Election

Barack Obama

Gallup and Rasmussen again have Republican challenger Mitt Romney comfortably leading president Barack Obama in the 2012 race for the White House. Romney was buoyed by his wife Ann Romney and her speech at the Republican National Convention this month and the choice of conservative congressman Paul Ryan, as a running mate.

Obama has remained with Vice President, Joe Biden, though some thought replacing him with Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton, would have given the Democrats a boost. The fact of the matter is, President Obama only has two months left until the election to show the American people he can address the nation’s most pressing issue - the economy. Thus far, he has regrettably been unable to do so.


Joe Biden and Barack Obama 

Last week in Ohio, Romney stated of Obama, "One of the promises he made was he was going to create more jobs, and today, there are 23 million people out of work or have stopped looking for work or underemployed. Let me tell you: If you have a coach that's zero and 23 million, you say it's time to get a new coach."

Two months is not enough time to show any constituency a solid turn around and regardless, the numbers have been so bad throughout Obama’s tenure as president, due to bad budgeting and big spending, he is out of time if he plans to run on the state of the economy. In light of this, what will be his platform.

Paul Ryan and Mitt Romney

There have been so many great missed opportunities for the Obama Administration to turn the economy around using austerity and budget cuts, but they chose massive spending and it has failed to work, only serving to significantly run up the national deficit.

He can’t say he was not warned, as judging by Judiciary Report website statistics, many divisions of the Obama Administration have been reading this website on a daily basis, throughout his time in office. You live and learn. Too bad he didn't realize sooner than he chose the wrong fiscal path for the nation (year after year).