Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Will Barack Obama Get The Hispanic Vote In The Presidential Election

Barack Obama

Reports indicate President Barack Obama has lost a good chunk of the black vote in America, after coming out and pushing for gay marriage from the White House. This has gone against the deeply held religious beliefs of black-Americans, many of whom are Christians and will now vote for presidential challenger Mitt Romney or simply stay at home. 


Mitt Romney

President Obama has been publicly courting the Hispanic vote, which makes up a significant voting block in America. However, many Hispanics in America are Catholic and do not agree with abortion (Obamacare) or gay marriage, two causes Obama has been championing from the White House.

Marco Rubio

Then there's the Marco Rubio factor. The charismatic Hispanic senator from Florida is a favorite among Spanish people. However, Rubio has been campaigning for Romney and not Obama in the 2012 presidential election. After the votes are counted in November, the demographic breakdown will be interesting to analyze.