Monday, July 2, 2012

More Proof Madonna Is A Bad Mother

Madonna Lets Underage Daughter Pose In Cone Bra While Grabbing Her Breasts And Sticking Out her Tongue

Madonna's bleary eyed 15-year-old daughter Lourdes in sexually suggestive pose her mom posted on Twitter, exploiting the girl for publicity again

Crazy, thieving pop tart Madonna, 54, posted a photo of her 15-year-old daughter on Twitter, wearing a cone bra and grabbing her breasts, which is highly inappropriate. The cigarette smoking, sexually active teen, is following in her mother's questionable footsteps and headed for trouble in doing so. 

A few months ago Madonna exploited her daughter for publicity is sending paparazzi to photograph the 14-year-old smoking cigarettes at school in front of other children 

It is never good when a child grows up to fast and is sexualized at an early age. To make matters worse, Madonna has placed her in the sick Kabbalah cult, known for inducing schizophrenia in people with their mentally deranged teachings and acts of brainwashing.
