Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Madonna’s MDNA Tour Is Getting Bad Reviews

Foul, gross looking Madonna’s ill-fated MDNA tour, which has experienced cancellations due to lack of ticket sales, legal threats from world governments due to her unlawful conduct, not to mention road mishaps, is also suffering from bad reviews. Critics and audiences have been slamming her tour like a basketball.

The Material-less one continues to ignore public ridicule and condemnation, pretending she is the top star in the world, when she’s been dethroned by Lady Gaga in the female category, has been topped by Whitney Houston and was never able to beat the late Michael Jackson at anything, with him still being considered the most successful singer of all time. Elvis comes in a respectable second. Ironically, Madonna is the only one in that lot that can't sing, dance or act, making a fraudulent career out of criminal copyright infringement and payola.