Grumpy and snarling Demi Moore
The arrest of Scout Willis, Demi Moore and Bruce Willis' 20-year-old
daughter, for underage drinking in a New York subway and presenting
police with a fake ID when questioned, is a reminder of the perils of
kids imitating their parents. Demi Moore has used drugs and alcohol over
the years, so much so she needed rehab.

Scout Willis
A few months ago, Moore had a well publicized collapse in the
presence of her oldest daughter, due to taking drugs. She was rushed to
the hospital after falling into an unresponsive state, in trying to take
a party drug used by young people. Moore's daughter Scout is an
alcoholic, who is also into illegal narcotics, such as MDMA, as evident
by her tweets on Twitter admitting to said misconduct.

Demi Moore's adult "Children of the Corn"
Scout Willis also public stated on Twitter that she hates her
parents. Yes, more Hollywood dysfunction, while Demi Moore pretends for
the cameras. If she'd spend less time chasing men young enough to be her
son, she'd have more time to dedicate to her children. Moore is an
embarrassment to her kids, constantly trying to pretend she is 18,
dressing like a young prostitute and chasing down every teenage trend
that hits pop culture. Learn to age gracefully and pay attention to your