Goat sounding singer, Rihanna, keeps getting on and off boyfriend Chris
Brown into trouble. In 2009, after a Grammy Awards party, she hit him in a
rented Lamborghini, which caused the already troubled r&b singer to snap
and beat her to a pulp, in conduct that was inexcusable regarding both of
them. He ended up getting arrested and she should have been charged as well,
as they both hit each other and neither case was self-defense.
This year Rihanna ramped up her efforts to get Brown to dump his
girlfriend, model, Karrueche Tran. She stalked Brown at award shows and
other events, kept inviting him to gatherings in trying to reunite and
publicly racially slurred Tran, who is half Vietnamese, in conduct that was
Karrueche Tran and Chris Brown
Brown went to a night club in Miami, where a fan photographed him leaving
with two women. Brown, who has anger management problems, snapped and
snatched the $500 iPhone, a felony, that was used to take the photograph,
fearing it would land on the internet and both Rihanna and Tran would find
out. This led to a police report being filed with authorities allegedly
investigating the incident, yet no charges have been filed, which is
Rihanna and Chris Brown
This month, Brown got into a bottle bar brawl, after bringing girlfriend
Tran to a New York night club, where jealous Rihanna also showed up (like a
stalker) causing a confrontation with her other ex-boyfriend, rapper Drake.
A death threat was issued and before you know it, bottles were flying
everywhere, causing serious injury to innocent people, who required many
stitches and further medical attention for serious eye injury.
Once again, Rihanna is a bad influence that keeps getting Brown into
trouble. She also led him to the sick Hollywood cult Kabbalah, where he
became involved in unlawful financial dealings and lost his mind to boot,
due to the Kabbalah Center's mentally ill teachings and brainwashing.
I don't know how someone can claim to care about another person, yet lead
them into such serious trouble all the time.