Thursday, May 10, 2012

Sympathy Seeking Rihanna In The Hospital Again After Drug And Alcohol Bender

Rihanna could afford to go to rehab, but opts for publicity stunts for sympathy, rather than getting treatment for drug and alcohol addiction

Fallen, faux singer and Madonna's Kabbalah cult lover, Rihanna, has tweeted another hospital photo to her 18,000,000 followers on "Twitter" featuring an iv in her arm, after another of her cocaine and alcohol benders, which simply is not cute (all those Twitter followers, yet her albums keep flopping, barely scraping gold status of 500,000 copied sold). Rihanna has been struggling with cocaine laryngitis, which emulates a severe sore throat and the flu, as the immune system is being weakened by the narcotic junk she is putting into her body.

Rihanna doing cocaine off her bodyguard's head at Coachella music festival a few weeks ago

Rihanna spends most of her time getting high and having sex with industry men and women for songs and film roles, which is pathetic and disgraceful. She is no role model. Even Chris Brown is dissing her via song stating she's slept with everyone (hence the STDs). 

Rihanna (Photo Credit: Splash News)

Ironically, Rihanna's mother, who is fully apprized of her bad behavior, encourages the singer in wrongdoing, to keep her family living in luxury, off the ill-gotten gains derived from criminally stolen music and films, whose proceeds were meant to manufacture cures to cancer and AIDS