Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Reports Indicate People Are Not Claiming Free Madonna CD Which Gives Away The Scam Many Tickets Were Not Bought



A reported 400,000 people, who've allegedly bought tickets to Madonna's forthcoming tour, whose opening has been pushed back due to problems, have not claimed/redeemed their free CD "MDNA" which flopped on the charts. But how can they claim/redeem something they have not bought, as Live Nation offloaded many Madonna concert tickets to ticket brokers on consignment and fraudulently counted them as sales.

Are these ticket brokers to claim all those CDs. Where will they house them - in an empty warehouse somewhere, so that an egotistical, evil singer that can't deal with failure, can save face. When one has to go through all that trouble to pretend to be successful, it's time to call it a day, because you are grossly embarrassing yourself. She deserves the embarrassment for robbing starving Africans and other black people she exploits via copyright theft.