Saturday, December 10, 2011

Hypocrisy Over Herman Cain Shows The Sorry State Of Politics

He's Not The Only One That Allegedly Cheated...

Herman Cain

Former Republican frontrunner, Herman Cain, was forced to drop out of the presidential election, after Ginger White of Atlanta, Georgia, came forward and alleged a 13-year sexual affair with the businessman turned politician. It set of a whirlwind off bad press that proved too much for Cain's family, though he denied her allegations.

Barack Obama

While the Judiciary Report does not agree with adultery and believes it is something people should not do or stop doing if they are, as it dishonors one's marriage vows made to God, it is hypocritical of some to throw stones at Cain on this issue. Many politicians, especially males, have cheated on their spouse. There are even rumors around Washington that President Obama has cheated on his wife with a woman that is the complete opposite of First Lady Michelle Obama. Yet, Cain is the one, among all the candidates, receiving the criticism.


Is President Obama Jealous Of The Attention Herman Cain Is Getting During Campaigning