Lady GaGa and Madonna also known as Grandma Gaga
Since envious Madonna has decided to do one of her usual rip-off jobs, in stealing the image and music of other singers, squarely targeting Lady Gaga this time, to name and shame her dishonesty, greed and covetousness, the public should call her Grandma Gaga.
Madonna loves to take credit for Lady Gaga, but let’s face it, the younger artist came out imitating David Bowie and Grace Jones. It wasn’t until Madonna got her involved in Kabablah and convinced her they are the illuminati (LOL) that Gaga’s image changed into what the Hollywood cult dictated.
I don’t agree with the illuminati and devil themes in Lady Gaga’s music, but really, how is Madonna going to compete with her. Lady Gaga can actually sing and play the piano. She is far better looking than Madonna and in a youth oriented market that is working against the latter.
It’s not like Madonna is an attractive fifty-something woman, as that would grant her a pass. She wasn’t even considered attractive when she was Gaga’s age. Every male blogger has pronounced Madonna not hot (she hasn’t paid them enough). She is to them the anti-Viagra that is the musical equivalent of a cold shower.
She is an entertainer that refuses to accept her time is over and audiences have moved on from her. There was nothing there in the first place. Furthermore, she’s racked up so many terrible human rights scandals, from baby stealing to charity money stealing to abusing immigrants, people do not like her anymore…only those on her payroll.
When you are so horrible to people that you reach the point you have to pay young men to date you, becoming the laughing stock of London and New York social circles, who are privy to your arrangements, it’s time to look in the mirror (and hope it does not crack) and ask yourself why people can’t stand you.
She oozes hatred, envy and jealousy. She goes around harming and destroying the lives of innocent people in different nations. She's destroyed the mental health of young Hollywood with her sick, pseudo religion, which is actually a mentally ill cult.
I was told by someone informed of her wicked ways in Hollywood that when she constantly calls younger members of Kabbalah, they role their eyes, as it is irritating and they know she is about to propose something crazy they do not want to do.
However, as she has illegally promised them songs, videos and movie parts, in stolen projects to further their careers, which was confirmed by a lawyer and told to me by a friend that knows the industry like the back of his hand. They tolerate her illegal rubbish long enough to get what they want, but underneath it all, they hate and resent her and the meddling in their lives, as she even tries to tell them who to date and who to dump.
Madonna and Kabbalah are also telling members of the cult not to pay attention to what their families tell them. According to psychologists, cults routinely try to isolate members from their families, to fully control them without outside interference.
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