Madonna, also known as Grandma Gaga, has made a career out of stealing music from scores of artists to make herself rich and famous, which is a crime that is going to catch up with her. But have you truly read this madwoman‘s lyrics. She steals people’s stuff and turns it into insanity.
Crazy For You - the song’s lyrics say it all. She is crazy and a stalker that likes following people around or having them followed. She’s also a voyeur, as the song indicates, which is gross. She makes Tom Cruise appear sane.
Open Your Heart - another song about her stalking someone. Really, who sings "Don’t try to run I can keep up with you. Nothing can stop me from trying to find you." Stalker! How creepy telling someone that!
Material Girl - she sounds like the Chipmunks on this vain, money grubbing track that greatly emphasizes her lack of singing ability. Her voice is irritating beyond comprehension.
Express Yourself - she is poorly singing about her ridiculous ego and what she demands in a relationship with a man…too bad she’s a lesbian, who's spent more time having sex with Miami clubber Ingrid Casares, than anything with a penis. Then again, Madonna has a penis, so she probably doesn’t think she needs another one.
Who’s That Girl - another song about her scoping and stalking some chick. The song is about her seeing and watching a woman and pestering everyone for information on the woman’s identity. Stalker!
In closing, someone needs to neuter Madonna (she has too much testosterone) and sedate her (she's crazy).
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