Thursday, June 9, 2011

Obama’s Approval Ratings Tank On Fears Of Another Great Depression

Obama: my approval ratings did what...

Economic numbers released this week, regarding the United States economy, have caused President Barack Obama’s approval ratings to plunge like a toilet. In short, said approval ratings are in the toilet, which is not good news for the president.

Mainstream news outlets and newspapers are reporting, Americans have overwhelmingly lost confidence in President Obama's ability to fix the ailing economy, which is the populace's number one concern, not the wars in the Middle East that most want discontinued. President Obama’s policies over the past 2 and ½ years have failed to correct the nation’s financial woes, due to bad political advice and excessive spending.

A majority of Americans fear the nation is entering a second Great Depression, which marked the worst financial and social time in U.S. history. People suffered greatly during the Great Depression and the nation does not want that era back again.


Poll: record high number think country headed into Depression


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