Wednesday, May 18, 2011

The Woman Dominique Strauss-Kahn Is Accused Of Raping Is Named In The European Press

The London Telegraph is reporting, the 32-year-old African maid that IMF chief, Dominique Strauss-Kahn, is accused of raping and sodomizing, has been named in the French press. Strauss-Kahn has denied raping her, stating the sex was consensual. The New York District Attorney disagrees and as such, the IMF chief is being held without bail, in New York's infamous Riker's Island Prison. The evidence against Strauss-Kahn does not look good. If DNA is successfully employed, coupled with his well-publicized past history, provided it is not disallowed by the judge, the case will result in a conviction.

Initially, it was reported the 32-year-old woman was from Ghana. Recent reports have since indicated, she is an immigrant from Guinea, who is the mother of a 14-year-old girl. It was only a matter of time before her identity was exposed. This has become one of the biggest stories in the world and bribes will be issued by news media in several nations for information on the alleged victim.

News coming out of France reveals outrage that Strauss-Kahn was perp walked and according to some, denied the presumption of innocence. It is being said, in France, the custom is for criminals to be perp walked after conviction in court. As a result, some believe Strauss-Kahn is being treated differently, as he is French.

Dominique Strauss-Kahn (center) being perp walked in New York

People should bear in mind, Strauss-Kahn is one man and does not represent all of France and every Jewish person on the planet (the latter is being brought up as well). He is one individual and only represents himself.

Therefore, it is wrong for anyone to use this case, which hasn't even been tried, to slur nations and ethnic backgrounds. France is a wonderful country and there are many law abiding Jewish people all over the world that have not hurt a soul.

However, there is a bias in this - much of the handling of the Strauss-Kahn arrest, leads right back to the hurdles the U.S. government faced in the Roman Polanski case, where the director was accused of rape, fled, then dodged extradition, refusing to return to America. The U.S. government refused to allow Strauss-Kahn to return to France and denied him bail, due to how the Polanksi case unfolded. Different countries have different laws and each will act according to what they deem fit.


Strauss-Kahn: maid named by French media


Why Didn't IMF Chief Cite Diplomatic Immunity

IMF Chief Arrested For Raping Black Hotel Maid