80 people were brutally killed in Pakistan today, as two suicide bombers launched a revenge attack, in the wake of the killing of terrorist, Osama Bin Laden. The Al Qaeda front man was executed by U.S. Navy forces that stormed his Abbottabad, Pakistan home. The Taliban has claimed responsibility for the bloody blast, citing outrage over the Pakistani government's cooperation with U.S. President, Barack Obama.
Barack Obama
The Taliban is threatening more attacks are on the way, regarding all of "Obama's Allies" in the West. This is a tragic turn in a very sad story, as so many civilians have died in America and the Middle East. It is truly regrettable that Osama Bin Laden was not arrested and brought in for trial, as his killing and unorthodox burial has inflamed terrorists. News steadily creeping out of the White House, regarding the gory raid and "disrespectful" burial of the terrorist, has made a tough situation that much worse.
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