Friday, May 20, 2011

Peter Fonda Slams Obama As A "F***ing Traitor"

Peter Fonda

Filmmaker, actor and environmentalist, Peter Fonda, has slammed U.S. President, Barack Obama, labeling him a "fu***** traitor." Fonda voiced his opinions at the Cannes Film Festival in France. He is angry over what he deems Obama selling out America in, "The aftermath of the Gulf oil spill."

Fonda is at Cannes pushing a documentary film about the subject entitled "The Big Fix." Daringly enough, Fonda wrote an email to Obama stating, "You are a f(expletive) traitor... You're a traitor, you allowed foreign boots on our soil telling our military -- in this case the coastguard -- what they can and could not do, and telling us, the citizens of the United States, what we could or could not do."

I'd be genuinely surprised if he doesn't get a call or visit from the Secret Service after using expletives, as they are very touchy and clearly very bored with a lot of time on their hands. Nonetheless, there are people that feel the way Fonda does about the subject and they have a right to free speech, something Obama opposes.


Peter Fonda calls Obama 'traitor' at Cannes

Wed May 18, 11:45 am ET - CANNES, France (AFP) – Peter Fonda launched a four-letter attack on US President Barack Obama at the Cannes film festival on Wednesday, calling him a traitor over the handling of the aftermath of the Gulf oil spill.

The star of the 1969 road movie "Easy Rider" was in Cannes for the premiere of "The Big Fix" by Rebecca and Josh Tickell, the only feature documentary in the official selection at the Cannes film festival this year.

"I sent an email to President Obama saying, 'You are a f(expletive) traitor,' using those words... 'You're a traitor, you allowed foreign boots on our soil telling our military -- in this case the coastguard -- what they can and could not do, and telling us, the citizens of the United States, what we could or could not do'."