Tuesday, May 24, 2011

"Osama Turned Himself In To Get Away From His Wives"

Osama Bin Laden

A joke going around the press about terrorist, Osama Bin Laden, whose Pakistan home was raided by U.S. Navy Seals, apparently resulting in his death, states he turned himself in to get away from his three nagging wives and boisterous kids.

It is being stated in a widely circulated article, "'The joke in Pakistan is that bin Laden called in his location to CIA because he was being driven mad cooped up for five years with so many wives and children,' said Pakistani Interior Minister Rehman Malik."

I don't know why the man wanted so many wives. One is enough to nag anyone into an early grave. You see, Western men know better than that. It is only Middle Eastern men that make this potentially fatal mistake. And ladies, think about it, if you were married to someone like Osama, wouldn't you turn him in...and collect the reward money.

You'd be lying on the beach somewhere, checking your bank account on your laptop for a wire transfer that says "$25,000,000" while having a fruity drink with an umbrella in it, thinking of the impending raid about to take place back at the house, "I hope those Navy Seals don't ruin the carpet!" (wink).


Talk of who betrayed Osama bin Laden sparks a harem scuffle

May 23, 2011 12:00AM - "It's a well-known fact that when you have two older wives and then this young one comes along half their age, they don't like it," said one. "The joke in Pakistan is that bin Laden called in his location to CIA because he was being driven mad cooped up for five years with so many wives and children," said Pakistani Interior Minister Rehman Malik.
