Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Obama's Vehicle Breaks Down In Ireland

The Obamas in a real Irish Pub

U.S. President, Barack Obama, is on a state visit to lovely Dublin, Ireland, the country of his great-great-great grandfather's birth. Obama, who has been blindsided by a number of political controversies in America, did what some politicians do when they hit trouble - he got drunk. Just kidding, but he did stop in to an Irish Pub for a drink (or two) where he looked a little too mesmerized drunk by the grog.

In other news, President Obama's limo, a Cadillac referred to as "The Beast" broke down like a hoopty at the U.S. embassy in Ireland. The gas guzzling vehicle hit a speed bump upon exiting the property and mechanics had to be summoned. To improve his non-existent green credentials, maybe the President should get a bicycle (kidding).