Barack Obama
With a year and a half until the next Presidential Election in America, President Barack Obama's economic plan is not working. Wild and unruly spending by President Obama has significantly increased the national deficit, with international creditors becoming concerned, regarding the nation's ability to repay the staggering amount owed.
Over a trillion dollars of American taxpayer money thrown at corporations that caused the economic crisis that went global, is being hoarded and stolen by a number of companies, which is not doing the nation any good.
Gas prices are soaring in America and much of the Western world, due to the President's illegal and unconstitutional invasion of the nation of Libya. Rising gas prices nearly broke America a couple years ago.
President Obama's dogged devotion to clean energy and solar power, is costing America a big bundle, as studies and financial reports have irrefutably illustrated, it costs more than conventional methods. The President is also legislatively holding the nation back from exploring its own natural resources.
Unemployment remains stubbornly high, stuck in a cycle of gaining and losing jobs at the same time. Foreclosures continue to climb, years into the financial crisis, due to the failure of costly Obama mortgage programs that have now been scrapped.
How George Bush Destroyed The U.S. Economy
GDP Data Shows The Recovery Failed
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What Is Obama Going To Do About The Deficit
Obama's $1 Trillion Bill Passes In Congress
Bernake Defends Reckless Spending