Thursday, April 14, 2011

Lady Gaga Lies About Not Having Plastic Surgery

Lady Gaga

Over the top singer, Lady Gaga stated she has never had plastic surgery. However, before and after photos on the internet, indicate she has had work done. Particularly on her schnoze. Gaga's honker got a whole lot smaller after her first royalty check came in.

She had a Michael Jackson nose, you know, in his jheri curl days. Jackson said the nose job helped him breathe better. Well of course, he took the whole nose off for the holes to get fresh air. I'm just kidding.

Why is girlfriend lying about plastic surgery, which is so common in Hollywood. That's the reason why so many people in Hollywood look alike (black and white). They go to the same surgeons, who have the same vision of what beauty is, which sometimes equals plastic. Loads of it. As a result, everyone ends up getting the same nose, cheeks, breasts and butt (from a catalogue).


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