Monday, February 21, 2011

Tunisia To Extradite Former First Lady That Stole $50,000,000 In Gold

Leila Ben Ali

The government of Tunisia has wisely decided to extradite former First Lady, Leila Ben Ali, who fled their nation with $50,000,000 in gold bricks, stolen directly from the Treasury. Ben Ali, brazenly took the valuables and has attempted to set up a luxury lifestyle in Saudi Arabia with some of her nation's pilfered wealth.

Two other First Ladies that should face charges for profligate spending - Grace Mugabe of Zimbabwe, Africa and Michele Bennet, formerly of Haiti. As a general rule for all First Ladies worldwide, if you want to increase your bank accounts while in office, write a book and stop stealing the people's money. That goes for First Men (Heads of State) as well.

The world is mired in such financial chaos, with people genuinely suffering as a result of it, no one should be depriving the populace of their money or state assistance in line with reasonable standards of living. Lavish living by the government on the people's dime needs to stop.


Tunisia's Former First Lady Stole Millions In Gold

Jean-Claude Duvalier's Ex-Wife Stole $94 Million From Haiti


Tunisia seeks to extradite Ben Ali's wife, dissolve party