Barack Obama
The Republicans in Congress are opposing U.S. President Barack Obama's $53 billion dollar bullet train. The timing is very poor. This is not economizing and cost cutting. This is attempting to keep up with the Joneses in other nations, such as Britain, China and France.
This is definitely not the time for that. Bring the U.S. economy in the black, pardon the pun, then expand. No one is telling President Obama he cannot do this project, just not now. Under the circumstances, waiting has its merits and benefits.
The President keeps alarmingly putting the proverbial cart before the horse. The national and governmental plan should be economic recovery, then expansion. Not the other way around, as the latter will not lead to the former in a financial crisis. It is a very basic principle of economics and a fundamental lesson any politician worth his salt should follow.
When one is financially in the hole, one does not dig deeper with more debt, but sacrifices and climbs higher to freedom (financial freedom). And if Washington doesn't get that, America is in deep doo-doo.
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