"World of Warcraft" is a dark and violent video game filled with occult images
The following videos illustrate the problem of gaming addiction among some preteens and teens. Video games are great, but in moderation. Spending too much time on a video game system will take away from other important areas of one's life.
The first video features a teenager becoming terribly enraged, when his mother suspends his "World of Warcraft" online video game account. He violently throws himself around his bedroom in a dangerous rage, hits himself, wails like a pig and tries to insert a remote control in his backside (not as graphic as it sounds). The display reveals he is in need of psychiatric assistance.
The second video features a cute little boy getting angry at his parents for giving him books for Christmas, even thought they purchased a Wii video game system for him as well. It is comedic is some respects, but a little sad in another, as the child expressed a complete disdain for books.
The third and final video features an adorable English boy named Jacob, being taunted by his older brother, ordering him to shutdown his Xbox 360 after a prolonged period of play. A vulnerable Jacob bursts into tears.