Selena Gomez and Justin Bieber (Photo credit:
Last week, in the article "Mag: Justin Bieber And Selena Gomez Checked Into Hotel" the Judiciary Report, distinctly warned 18-year-old Disney actress, Selena Gomez, to beware of her conduct regarding 16-year-old teen singer, Justin Bieber, due to his fanbase.
Bieber groping Gomez
And what did she do...flew away with him to the Caribbean, where a photographer with telephoto lenses snap picks of the two of them in swimwear on the balcony of a rented villa, kissing, intimately hugging and wait for it...because she apparently didn't...Bieber groping her butt.
The Judiciary Report warned last week that Gomez would need the Witness Protect Program, if she was seen cavorting with Bieber and sure enough, his fans lambasted her on Twitter today, as the photos were published, sending mountains of DEATH THREATS. One fan even threatened to kill herself (baby, don't do that - no one is worth that).
Selena Gomez
Gomez has not been wearing her promise ring anymore, which represents a vow to God to wait until marriage to have sex. What, is Disney just handing these rings out like candy and not explaining the significance of them to their stars nor honoring their meaning. It's not setting a good example and it is hurtful to teens and tweens, seeing role models openly go against what they said they represent.
Justin Bieber and Kim Kardashian, who has a crush on the teenager
Then there's the legal aspect of the alleged conduct in the story that broke today. As stated previously, Bieber is 16 and Gomez is 18, making him a minor engaging in sex with an adult. These are not the best choices. He should have stayed with his previous girlfriend, who is the same age. Then there's the career fall out, as their respective audiences could turn on them and withhold support and sales.
Side Bar: you know some of the death threats came from 30-year-old Kim Kardashian (kidding).
Side Bar 2: In closing, the Judiciary Report is afraid of loves Justin Bieber fans and have nothing bad to say about them. Translation: I'm not catching an online beatdown by tweens and teens over this story (kidding again). But in all honesty, Bieber and Gomez owe their fans an apology.