Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Obama Raiding Clinton's Former Cabinet

Barack Obama

U.S. President Barack Obama, is raiding the cabinet of former Commander-in-Cheif, Bill Clinton. After the exodus that took place from the Obama White House in 2010, only two years into his term, the President is seeking to replace a number of posts, using Clinton allies. President Obama has taken to molding his new presidential plans after Clinton's former efforts, which brought financial success.

Bill Clinton

However, there is still the issue of massive unemployment in America, a country that is in another place and time, since the Clintonian days in the nation's history. What worked then, will not work now. There are no shortcuts to fixing the economy. Sound, strong and thrifty decisions need to be made to repair the damage. Whipping out the checkbook (repeatedly) has not produced fruitful results.


Obama Reshuffles Cabinet