Saturday, January 15, 2011

Obama 2012 Reelection Bid To Cost $1 Billion

Barack Obama

Politico and several other websites, have published news that U.S. President, Barack Obama, is gearing up for a reelection bid, where he intends to raise $1 billion dollars. In a time when millions of people in America are out of work and their homes, it is very inappropriate that any election bid come with a price tag of $1 billion dollars.

A cap needs to be instituted, as to how much one is allowed to spend. And let's face it, when the fund-raising reaches 9-12 figures, one is essentially buying the presidency. This is wholly inappropriate. The money could be put to better use. It is an insult to the poor that it be spent otherwise.


Obama's 2012 Campaign Fundraising Could Top $1 Billion